
When you receive a personal reading, we start with a silent meditation I then ask the name of the person concerned or deceased. I blend with the energetic matrix, I then sense and tell you what I perceive after which I communicate with your higher self, your guide or the deceased. Through this I can tell where stagnations lay in your emotional and physical body or communicate to you from the deceased. During the session you are led through a process of becoming more aware. So you are able to connect more to your own inner power.

After the session it is recommended to listen to your body. It is possible that you feel like a nap or taking it easy. When emotions come up, just embrace them, send love, patience and understanding and they will dissolve.

During a reading I plug into consciousness which is everywhere. I register everything in vibration just as you see the hot air above a heater. Because of my amplified intuition -to know, see, hear, feel, sense, taste and smell- I can come into contact with the spiritual realm. I can also see the layers of auras and chakras.

By making contact between a living person and a deceased one, for example, I first ask the name of the deceased. After sharing what comes through, it then becomes possible to communicate with each other through the mediumship of me. If it is supportive, you can bring along an object or picture of the deceased.

When you receive a personal reading I blend with your energetic matrix. This way I can register the blockages in your energetic bodies. By acknowledging them, we create an awareness and you are then able to expand in your own self-empowerment.

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