Chi Kung Healing

A healthy chi flow creates physical, mental and spiritual awareness”

Chi Kung means ‘the cultivation of vital energy’. It is an important part of Chinese medicine and Martial Arts and can be practiced by everyone. Chi Kung exercises consist of repetitive movements with breathing patterns. This way you strengthen, heal and maintain the vital energy in the body. By doing the exercises you restore the energetic balance in the body. You develop body awareness and strengthen the inner body structure, especially the inner organs.

During classes I work through silence and connect you with your own essence. Each class we use different techniques such as: cleansing, healing and cultivation of the chi. I also use different Chakra Healing techniques and teach you to balance your chakras with Chi and Pranic Healing. I also teach you how to send chi to affected areas, so harmony can be restored. From this your highest potential will develop, and bring about a happier contented reality.

After class just take it easy and don’t go to crowded places for a while. Give yourself enough time to integrate.

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