
Both humans and animals have their own language depending on the species and group. In addition to those specific languages, there is a universal, nonverbal language, where humans and animals both have access to. Animals are accustomed to communicating rapidly through this universal language. Also each individual of every species has its own specific energy and the unique energy of the species.

Through my intuitive skills I am able to communicate with animals. By blending with their energetic matrix I can work with the animal on his or her problems. Together with the owner and the animal, I work on the awareness and healing process, thus improving the animals well-being. During the private session I communicate directly with the animal and explain to the owner what is happening and what he can do.

Besides private sessions for animals and their owners, I give group healings for animals and owners. There are group sessions for different types of animal species, such as: dogs, cats, horses, etc, and their owners.

In private as well as in group sessions acknowledgment is important for the animal in reliving and processing their traumas. During the sessions owner and animal will develop a better mutual understanding and a deeper connection. After a session it is very well possible that the animal is tired and sleeps a lot. It is important to allow the animal sufficient rest and time to recover for a happier, calmer and more contented animal. This may take from a few days to a few weeks.

I most often work directly with the animal and it’s owner but If the animal is not able to attend the session, I can work only through the owner. Skype and phone are also options.

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